I will do something that seems stupid and irrational, but have no fear, it is well planned out.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
New Year?
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Pretzel Baguette!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Various Thoughts and Shennanigans
"Donner, party of five?"
"Nevermind. We're full"
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Dammit xkcd!

Well, I thnk that xkcd copied my rant about daylight savings time. Eh, they didn't really copy me, but, Randall Muroe must have read my rant! Or he had his mind set up to my brain's wavelentgh at the time of posting, and so he made the comic.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Kurt Cobain > Vampires
Sunday, December 6, 2009
NASA, This is what I would like to be able to see from Earth Plz.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
I Win
Friday, December 4, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
Lets Get it Together USA
In addition to reconnaissance equipment, Almaz was equipped with a 23mm Nudelman rapid-fire cannon mounted in a stationary position to the forward belly of the station.[1] This self-lubricating cannon was modified from the tail-gun of Tu-22 jet bomber, and was capable of firing 950 rounds per minute. Each 200 gram projectile flew at a speed of 690 m/s relative to the station[2]. To aim the cannon the entire station would be quickly reoriented facing the threat.
Salyut 3/OPS-2 conducted a successful test firing on a target satellite remotely with the station unmanned due to concerns over excessive vibration and noise.
OPS-4 was to have featured two unguided missiles instead of the aircraft cannon, but this system has not been shown publicly and may have never been fully manufactured."
-Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Almaz
Daylight Spendings (Or More Properly, the end of Daylight Savings)
Saturday, November 28, 2009
The Orange Spaceship
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
More Comics, and the Rest of the Drawings
So, I made some more comics, and I decided "What the hell" and am going to post the rest of those drawings that I never got around to doing. Hopefully the next blog post will have some legitimate amount of writing.

The algorithm is banned in China. The algorithm is from Jersey. The algorithm constantly finds Jesus.
This is not the algorithm. This is close.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
More Comics!
Here's some more comics (I hope you like them too...) [And if you click on them, they zoom in!]

I made a comic!

Monday, November 16, 2009
Cowboys and Woolly Mammoths

4. Cowboys are human. 4. Given
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009

As you can see above, Google Earth captured a Lancaster Bomber flying over a neighborhood in England. If you want to see it in Google Earth, go to 52 20 10.87N 0 11 43.34W and under "Edit" "Historical View" and go to December 30th 2003.
Friday, November 6, 2009
He's the One, Who Likes All Our Pretty Songs
Ha! Fooled you! I bet that you thought I was going to talk about Nirvana or In Bloom! Which is on Never- nevermind, I guess I did in fact, talk about Nirvana. Drat! Outsmarted again!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Aero 6-5000
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Hexagon Man!
I'vr figuredo ut how to make the most out of my early release tomorrow, not sleep!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Today was pretty interesting. I started a game of craps on the bridge, if you want to join, we play right after school.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
The Least Interesting Person in the World
I got a new font! I think it's cool...
Eh, not really.
Moving on, here's a story:
The Mailman dropped off a huge wooden box on my doorstep. There was a strange noise coming from inside, and? I couldn't shake the feeling that something was in there....
I picked up the laser pistol I have by the door, just in case. I kicked the lid open, and waited. A grey hand groped out of the box, and I fired a string of shots into the box, "Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew!" The hand dropped. I looked inside. There was the motionless body of a space zombie. Somebody wanted to do away with me, and I was going to find out...
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Yay! A Story!
Jerry was walking through the playground on his way home from school, something he did every day, when he suddenly saw a tree, in the middle of the field. He swore that there wasn’t one there yesterday, and went over to investigate. The tree seemed normal at first, until he saw an odd shaped root, infact, it was shaped just like a doorknob. Curiosity took over, and he pulled on the root, and a chunk of ground came up, just big enough for him to crawl through. Ignoring caution, he jumped in the hole, and found himself in what looked like an alchemist’s cave. A cauldron was sitting over the fire, creating a strange, green fog. Bubbling concoctions lined the table, and jars full of bizarre animal parts. Jerry was engrossed in this, when suddenly a hand touched him on the back.
“Why hello there, you’re the first person to come in today. I assumed that I’d meet many more people with this location.”
“What? Who are you?”
“My apologies, allow me to explain myself, I’m Frederick Von Schilfen, time traveling mad scientist. I came to your day an age to bring back some samples of your superior paper, parchment is far too expensive, and I like the feel of paper more. Would you be interested in lending me some? You will be compensated for your loss of such a valuable item.”
“Umm, sure. Here’s some,” Jerry said as he handed Von Schilfen a stack of notebook paper, “what was this compensation?”
“Thank you, thank you, and thank you! This paper is excellent! You can feel free to choose any of those containers, each have their own magical properties. The big round one allows you to procure unlimited amounts of food, the square one will allow you to speak to animals, that small glass vile allows you to make three wishes using the dust in it, and the-”
Jerry’s eyes lit up as soon as he heard the one about 3 wishes. He knew instantly what he’d wish for. He turned back to Von Schilfen, “I’ll take the one the one with the wishes.”
Von Schilfen sighed, “Well, be careful, most wishes don’t go, according to plan, per say. And if something goes wrong, you can’t un-wish it, you have to wish again to counter it. Are you sure?”
“Yes. I’m sure,” Jerry said as he took the vile. He walked out of the cave, and took a better look at it, “Yes…”
Once he got home, Jerry took the vile out of his pocket. He rolled it around a couple times in his hand, before taking a pinch of the powder out of it, throwing it in the air and exclaiming, “I wish I had a dinosaur!!” He waited. Nothing happened. Assuming that he’d just done something wrong, Jerry turned around and went inside. He pulled out some toaster waffles for an afternoon snack, and just as he was putting them in the toaster, a tremendous roar came from just outside.
The sudden noise caused Jerry to drop one of the waffles. Looking down Jerry bent over to pick up the waffle, “Whoops.” Then it hit him. He didn’t wish for a peaceful sauropod, he had just wished up a dinosaur, and a big one at that. “Whoops.”
Looking out the window, he saw the legs of a dinosaur, at least as big as his house. He ran outside, and saw, in living flesh, a Tyrannosaurus Rex.
“Uh-Oh.” The seemingly inconspicuous utterance drew the T-Rex’s attention. The 40 foot tall lizard began to charge, and Jerry started sprinting down the street. He pulled out the vile, “I wish for another dinosaur to fight off the T-Rex!!!” Jerry yelled without thinking.
Jerry turned around. The T-Rex wasn’t following him anymore, instead, it was running away from him, and had been chased away, by a bigger T-Rex. Jerry bolted to the park, hoping that he could find some cover. As he looked over his shoulder, he saw the larger T-Rex gaining on him. Jerry sprinted to the stream, there was a tunnel he could hide in.
As Jerry slogged through the stream, he came to the tunnel, and hid inside. It was damp, and near pitch-black. The earth suddenly trembled. The T-Rex was trying the dig Jerry up. He pulled just enough powder left for his third wish, “I wish- for a Unicorn to fight off the T-Rex!” Suddenly, the trembling stopped. Jerry cautiously moved to the entrance of the tunnel, to find the unicorn battling the T-Rex. They continued until the unicorn emerged the victor. Jerry walked out of the tunnel to thank the unicorn, when it started to gallop down the streets, going to finish the job.
Jerry flipped on the Television, and began to changed channels. He passed by the local news station, and momentarily saw hundreds of people surrounding the body of a T-Rex. Looking around, Jerry quickly changed the channel, and pretended as if nothing had happened.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Happy One Year and One Day Anniversary!! Yay!!
Yup, this is the one year and one day anniversary of my blog! Yay!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
How to get a free Zune!
So, I was on the basement computer the other day, And I stumbled across the box of fancy electronics. Inside it, was a zune! It worked perfectly, except it had some software problems, and he couldn't hook it up to a computer. I asked him if I could have it, and he said "Sure, it doesn't work". So, I downloaded the zune software, got it working, and crammed it full of movies and music.
Combining Tooble with Youtube Movies (Ghostbusters!!!). And it's legal!* Yay!
Here's some movies that stuck out to me-
Santa Claus Conquers the Martians
The Last Warrior
Animal Farm (Ha, Nemo had to read it last year...)
Buffalo Bill and the Indians, or Sitting Bull's History Lesson
Little Shop of Horrors
Legend of Bigfoot
Monday, August 10, 2009
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
In Which Humanity Destroys Nature

Sunday, July 19, 2009
Hey guys, I'm back from the Adirondacks, in NY. It was beutiful up there. Despite the fact that I got Super-Sunburnt, it was an awesome trip. The Adirondacks are 6 Million acres. That's almost a quarter of the entire state. Once you get up on top of a mountain, or in the center of the lake, you can see miles, and the view is breath taking. The Japanese come here and are astonished by how vast it is, because they sell land by the square foot.