Thursday, June 25, 2009

*Yawn* Night Time

I can't actually tell you why I'm wide awake at 1:15 in the morning, or why I'm blogging, oh well ar night, kinda.Everyone's asleep, and it's telly peaceful, but it's also dark... Grrr. Wait, what os brother doing? He's in the kitchen making a raket that no one but me hears...

You know what bug comes in second on my list, right after ticks? Mosqitos. The've singlehandedly killed more peopl than any other creature/disease ever. I mean, iyt is considerate of them to makr dure we don't feel them stabbing us, but why do they're bite marks have to itch so much??!! I need some more Deet...

Well, I should prbavbly hit the hay, 'night.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Joeseh Stalin Quote

I don't really want to post twice in one day, but I was looking at the quotes at the bottom of my blog, and I saw this quote:

"Mankind is divided into rich and poor, into property owners and exploited; and to abstract oneself from this fundamental division ;and from the antagonism between poor and rich means abstracting oneself from fundamental facts." -Joesph Stalin

Despite the fact that this was said over 50 years ago in a Communist Nation, it holds true to the world today, somewhat. In America, owning land has become commonplace, but Half of the world lives on less that $2 a day, Americans on average live on, say, $50. That's 25 times more than half of the world. Despite what we've tried to do, this fact is just that, a fact!

Good Morning *Yawn*

Yawn, well, I have pretty much nothing to do this summer before Noon, so I feel like blogging...

Hmm, do I like the Morning of Night more? Well, the morning is full of opportunity, the sun's just coming up, and everything seems new. Yeah, mornings are nice. But waking up isn't fun, unless you sleep in. Meanwhile night, well, I have more choice over my consciousness levels, and people seem more active, and going to sleep fells good. But, it's dark, and there's weird noises, and the human body is naturally afraid of the dark. And, there's less opportunity at night, unless you go out on some Half-Cocked adventure to a convenience store at 4 in the morning (Oh man, this one time...)

So, which do I like more, Morning or night? Couldn't tell you...

Monday, June 22, 2009

Into the Candy Metro

Thanks to Nemo's suggestion, I finally saw Into the Wild, which, was, an amazing movie, but it is rated "R", for good reasons... My mom came in during the last 10 minutes, and thought that he movie was a cautionary tale, and completely misunderstood the megssage. Speaking of which, Nemo is going to die in a way very similar to that movie, except he'll have a dog...

Huh, my room is weird, well, that's a well known fact, but today, I was eating M&M's, and I dropped one under my desk, a yellow one in fact. So, I reached topick it up, and I found a yellow starburst! And te M&M is gone! This is so weird...

While listening to Red Hot Chili Peppers, I realized that one of the songs on their album was entitiled Magic Johnson, which is about the LA Lakers, specifically one of thier star players at the time, Magic Johnson. And, though it's bizzare, it's actually a pretty entertaining song, you should listen to it the next time that you have a chance.

I realized today that I would do something really foolish if I ever inherited a lot of money. First, I would plan to use it for college, or something llike that. Then, I would feel like a jerk, and realize that I'd want to give some to charity. I would then rent a helicopter, get the rest of the money in one dollar bills, and fly all over the countery "Making it Rain" dollar bills. It would be so awesome.

Ok, lastly,two Metro trians crashed on the Red line today. This really hits home to me, because I took the Metro home from the Nationals game yesterday. Just like TS's disbelief at the Air France flight crashing, this shocked me. I alwas imagined something like that happening, but I never thought that it would. This is shocking, and I'll probably find out more about it tomorrow.


Yes! It's finally summer! I have so much to do! But, right now I'm bored out of my skull... If anyone who reads this blog wants to hang out later, contact me.

Also, CrazyDude is in China right now, and want to Skype with me. To CrazyDude- I don't know what your skype is!

To everyone else, who feels really ailenated, USA! USA! USA!!!! Wooo!!!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Sloth Island

Well, I needed to distract Nemo, and I started writing this, and then it turned into a back and forth story, here, is Sloth Island:

(Original [minus Names])
Red:There's sloths out there........
Nemo: go on....
Red: "Guys, we don't have a chance. I'm going out there to buy us some time."
"No! You'll never make it!"
Nemo: Hehe

"I know, but as long as you three survive, maybe they can be stopped. Remember me."
Nemo: "But you're the only one that can stop them!"
Red: The door opens, and is closed.
Nemo: 'Noooooo! I'm going after him!"
Sent at 8:04 PM on Wednesday
Red: They restrain Kim, who is now nearly hysterical, and gunshots are heard outside
Leaves rustle, then screams.
Nemo: "Oh god. The sloths can use guns!"
Red: "Kim, he's gone. He would have wanted it this way."
Nemo: "We had better get to the hoverbikes while they're still eating his face."
Red: "All that matters now, is us staying alive, and informing the government of his sacrifice..."
Nemo: "And bringing them the sword of sloth-slaying, of course. We wouldn't want the sacrifices we all made to retrieve it to go to waste."
Red: "I don't think that they see us, go! Go! Go!"
Nemo: "Oh my god, there's blood everywhere!
Red: "Oh my god! Kim! Gary! Go! They've got my leg!!!!"
Nemo: "The Sword! Use the sword!!"
Red: "Aaaauuuuggghghhhhh!!!!"

Nemo: In one movement, Gary brought the swords on the sloth...

the was a bright light...
but it was too late
Red: The Sloth's bones are crushed by the sword, but two of the 4 survivors were gone
Nemo: Kim and Gary tore off towards the hoverbike shed
Red: Gary and Kim raced towards the hoverbikes chopping their way through the sloths, and made their way to race off the island
Nemo: "Look out! Megalonychid!!!
"It's a giant sloth!!"
Red: The two biked towards the beach, hoping to escape.

Halfway, Gary started to veer to the left, "What are you doing?" Kim asked.

"I'm going to blow up the whole goddamn island including that Medalonychild, get to the beach, get the boat, and wait for me. As soon as you see me, there's not much time left..."
Nemo: "You can't! Everyone else is already way too dead!'
Red: "Kim, this is our one chance. If I don't do this, how many more people could die? What if the sloths got off the island?! This is our only hope!"
Nemo: Kim sped off towards the submarine pad, ducking under three-toeds and over ground sloths, fearing the sinister red glow in their eyes, and steering wide clear of the sloth-wizard's lair. Finally she reached the submarine...
Red: Kim jumped off her hoverbike, and on top of the sub. She saw the outline of Gary, on top of the volcano, he was setting a charge. She prayed that he lived, as she ducked inside the submarine, it was filled with sloths!
Nemo: the sword...she still had the sword!
Red: Remembering Peter, and her good friend Tony, she jumped inside, for if they couldn't get off the island, their sacrifices would be for naught.
Nemo: A swarm of demonic sloths leaped at her, tearing at her from every direction, mouths foaming...she lashed out with the sword, and they drew back. Just then, and explosion rocked the island.
Red: (Pause: You should put a copy of your speech on your Blog...)
Nemo: dad said that too
Red: Continue: There was still 6 of those creatures. They had Kim cornered, then, three of them were pulled off, and thrown into the pyre of the island. Gary had come back! "We should go, NOW!!!!!"
Nemo: Kim dispatched two more sloths with her, but the last one emerged from the bright light unscathed. To their horror, they realized it was the sloth-wizard
Red: The submarine was now 50 feet under, Gary moved to the hatch, Kim and the Sloth-Wizard stared, mono e mono.
Sent at 8:32 PM on Wednesday
Nemo: hello?
End of messages received while you were offline at 8:33 PM on Wednesday
Red: Oh
I thought that you were still typing
and then my internet conecction died
Sent at 8:38 PM on Wednesday
Red: The cabin filled with water, and Kim didn't realize what happened at first. And then realized what Gary did, it was thier only chance. The two humans went up, for the air
Then, a bubble caught them, sending them up through the water.
Nemo: "Can sloths swim?"
Red: "No, I think that are troubles are over."
Just then, a tooth rocketed in between the pair. The Sloth-Wizard had exploded.
Nemo: The end...or is it?

(Editied version)

There's sloths out there........
"Guys, we don't have a chance. I'm going out there to buy us some time."
"No! You'll never make it!"
"I know, but as long as you three survive, maybe they can be stopped. Remember me."
"But you're the only one that can stop them!"
The door opens, and is closed.
"Noooooo! I'm going after him!"
They restrain Kim, who is now nearly hysterical, and gunshots are heard outside. Leaves rustle, then screams.
"Oh god. The sloths can use guns!"
"Kim, he's gone. He would have wanted it this way."
"We had better get to the hoverbikes while they're still eating his face."
"All that matters now, is us staying alive, and informing the government of his sacrifice..."
"And bringing them the sword of sloth-slaying, of course. We wouldn't want the sacrifices we all made to retrieve it to go to waste."
"I don't think that they see us, go! Go! Go!"
"Oh my god, there's blood everywhere!
"Oh my god! Kim! Gary! Go! Theyve got my leg!!!!"
"The Sword! Use the sword!!"
In one movement, gary brought the swords on the sloth...
there was a bright light,but it was too late.The Sloth's bones are crushed by the sword, but two of the 4 survivors were gone
Kim and Gary tore off towards the hoverbike shed/
Gary and Kim raced towards the hoverbikes chopping thier way through the sloths, and made their way to race off the island
"Look out! Megalonychid!!!
"It's a giant sloth!!"
The two biked towards the beach, hoping to escape.
Halfway, Gary started to veer to the left, "What are you doing?" Kim asked.
"I'm going to blow up the whole goddamn island including that Medalonychild, get to the beach, get the boat, and wait for me. As soon as you see me, there's not much time left..."
"You can't! Everyone else is already way too dead!'
"Kim, this is our one chance. If I don't do this, how many more people could die? What if the sloths got off the island?! This is our only hope!"
Kim sped off towards the submarine pad, ducking under three-toeds and over ground sloths, fearing the sinister red glow in their eyes, and steering wide clear of the sloth-wizard's lair. Finally she reached the submarine. Kim jumped off her hoverbike, and ontop of the sub. She saw the outline of Gary, on top of the volcano, he was setting a charge. She prayed that he lived, as she ducked inside the submarine, it was filled with sloths! The sword...she still had the sword!
Remembering Peter, and her good friend Tony, she jumped inside, for if they couldn't get off the island, thier sacrifices would be for naught. A swarm of demonic sloths leaped at her, tearing at her from every direction, mouths foaming...she lashed out with the sword, and they drew back. Just then, and explosion rocked the island.

There was still 6 of those creatures. They had Kim cornered, then, three of them were pulled off, and thrown into the pyre of the island. Gary had come back! "We should go, NOW!!!!!"
Kim dispatched two more sloths with her, but the last one emerged from the bright light unscathed. To their horror, they realized it was the sloth-wizard.
The submarine was now 50 feet under, Gary moved to the hatch, Kim and the Sloth-Wizard stared, mono e mono.
The cabin filled with water, and Kim didn't realize what happened at first. And then realized what Gary did, it was thier only chance. The two humans went up, for the air
Then, a bubble caught them, sending them up through the water.
"Can sloths swim?"
"No, I think that are troubles are over."
Just then, a tooth rocketed in between the pair. The Sloth-Wizard had exploded.
The end...or is it?
Well, I just listened to a speech by Nemo, and it was awesome.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Hello this is nemo having stolen reds phone. So...whats up? Nothing? Oh. Thats cool.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

So, after around 4 hours of thinking, I found the root of all 4th grade humor, the unexpected. If you look at any child before they hit puberty, most of their humor consists of shouting out random words and assumptions that they're funny, much like some Monty Python stuff. Wow.

If any of you have a subscription to the Washington Post, or get the Washington Post Magazine, I highly encourage you to read today's article on Lee Wheeler, a bar designer. He's the uncle of one of my friends, and an extremely interesting person, and was also in Weird Virginia.

So, last night while I was babysitting* I was watching a show on NatGeo about the most venomous creatures in Australia, they had the Sea Snake, Stonefish, Eastern Brown Snake, Platypus, Funnel Spider, and Box Jellyfish. When they were going to try to capture a platypus, the host of the show spotted an Eastern Brown, and started yelling, to the trained professionals, "WOAH!! It's an Eastern Brown!! Everyone watch out!!" And he did this with almost every animal they found. I apologize for being so cynical, but I sincerely hope that he was just acting, and he was supposed to do that, or else he'd be really irritating in real life...

*I feel really bad about how much I earn babysitting, as much as $15 an hour, meanwhile there are people who earn minimum wage, or are unemployed. And I don't believe that evolutionarily I'm superior, I just think that our society, while it has a ton of great things, it provided me with an opportunity that it has neglected to give other people, and that's downright wrong.

I'm going to wrap up this post, because I'm being Pwn3d on a game, and then I'll buy some coconuts...

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Well, there's three things you never talk about, money, politics, and your overwhelming dinosaur obsessions, so far, I've covered one, now I'm moving on to the second...

To be perfectly honest, I really don't care that much about politics, except for when people like *ahem* Dick Cheny blame Dick Clark for 9-11 *ahem*, and when I see political signs every now and then. So, on the way home from school today, I saw some signs on the bridge, "Signer for Luitenit Govener", and then I kept walking, and I saw this sign:

I ran home and grabbed my mom's camera to take a picture, and now here it is.

     Also, in Science today, we were talking about bad chemicals that are in the top fish and stuff, and my science teacher said that there was stuff like Merquery, Lead, and PCP in Tuna. Wait, PCP in Tuna?!!? Holy Living #$*&! PCP is some wack enough stuff to begin with, but now it;s in our tuna! THis is quite conserning...

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Well, I turned on my computer today for two reasons, to explain something I said to Nemo last night and couldn't explain, and to play Halo: Combat Evolved. But then I got on blogger and edited my most recent post, and now here I am.

Have you ever thought about palentologists, they could put fossil bones any way they want, and what if dinosaurs weren't really shaped like that? And what if dinosaurs has external frills or decorations made completely out of cartillage? We'll never know until the day we inevitably go against the warning of Jurassic Park, and bring dinosaurs back, and watch them suffocate on dry land because there's not enough oxygen in the atmosphere...

Well, I'm going to stop talking about dinosaurs and go off to watch my 3 hr documentary on Theodore Roosevelt...

Saturday, June 6, 2009

My Growing Dinosaur Obsession

     Lastly, with a growing Horror, I'm realizing my dinosaur obsession is coming back. Back in pre-k, I was a dinosaur fanatic, I read books, watched movies, and played with dinosaur toys, and got my mom to take me to the Museum of Natural History atleast twice a season. But over the course of time, it subsided. I got the Dinotopia DVD's, but only now did it really show up again. With, the xkcd dinosaur stuff, me finally seeing Jurassic Park, me buying the Jurassic Park DVD's, all of this cumulated when I was watching BBC's Primeaval... (And I'm posting the revised version while reading a dinosaur encyclopedia, oh lord...)

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Zombies, and, Standerized Testing...?

I apologize for yesterday's lack of material, I only remembered that I wanted to post about thiry minutes before I went to sleep.

Well, today in school, we had a Test on our writing skills, we've been doing these tests twice every year since we could write. So, today, I was handed the paper, as I read the prompt, I smiled. I had been preparing for this prompt my entire life. I'm not going to tell you what the prompt was, or what my paper was exactly about, but let's say I wrote 3 pages involving Zombies, in total seriousness. I hope that the graders have a sense of Humor...

You know what would stink? Well, having ADHD stinks enough, but it would be even worse if you ran into a T-Rex... (Comment if you get it...)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Well, not Directly from Velociraptors, but it's VERY close...
Well, I didn't want to break my streak, so I'm here to point out the fact that birds are the toughest dinosaurs, and they evolved directly from VELOCIRAPTORS!!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

"Today was a less bad day" - Nemo

Ok, so today, as I was on my way home, I noticed a fire hydrant, open. There was water spewing out of it! So, it was 95 degrees out and Nemo was talking about how hard water is to come by in the Austrailian Bush, and then we saw it. Reverting back to our youth, we ran into it, aw man, good times...

On a side note, we them walked into a 7-11, without shoes on, naturally, we were afraid that we'd get trown out. But the guy who worked there was actually really nice, and just said that we could get hurt or something. This brings up the question of lawsuits. To be perfectly honest, if I was stupid enough to cut myself on a peice of glass or something in a 7-11 or other buisness establishment for that matter, I wouldn't sue, I'd just think, "Wow, that was dumb of me." or something along those lines, really, who would sue for something like that? I mean, first, you'd have to hire a lawyer, which would cost alot, then you'd have to plead your case, and you know that the judge wouldn't side with you, so why would suing the establishment ever seem like a good idea?

Back to the fire hydrant, we went. We returned to the fire hydrant, and it was still spraying water, and we had an idea, so I ran to my house, and grabbed a bunch of newspapers. I came back, we made some boats, and dropped them in the river of water coming from the base. Then Nemo and I raced. He was ahead in the beginning, but my boat cut ahead. Then, they got stuck on the ground, but we pushed them a bit, and they got going again, and my boat was about to seize the victory, when it was kicked out of the stream by Person #3, in a technicality. Nemo has also posted about today on his blog.

Overall, it was a pretty good day.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Thank You Nemo

Okay Guys, I finally followed Nemo's advice, and started keeping a notebook by my bed, and I woke up, man my brain gets trippy before I go to sleep. Here's a quote, "Hating what the Worlds are saying." What does that even mean!? But, thanks to it, I have a ton of material for a blog post today!

Well, I want to decide what color to make the navbar at the top, and I decided to leave it up to the 9 of you that actually read my blog, so say what color you want in a comment on the bottom of this post, or put a vote in the poll that I'll add... (The Colors are Blue, Black, Tan, and Silver).

You know what I think is greatly underappricated, the U.S. Postal System. Now, in the days of e-mail, you can send a message to someone, for free, instantly, but it's not tangible!! With mail, you can send items, and stuff to people, for a low fee, Crazy Dude and I once had a war using the mail, but I'll talk about that later...*

Lastly, I was watching Public Access television, and I realized that even if McCain was elected, he would've closed down Gitmo. "Why would he do that?" You ask, "He was a conservative, wasn't he?" Yes, he was, as a matter of fact a conservative, but he was a POW in Vietnam, and they did some horrible stuff to him there, so why would he want to keep the equivalent of the Hanoi Hilton open for other people to suffer in? No, he would close it down. Man, what happened to McCain during the election was the most depressing thing I've seen in a long time (besides of course Nemo on his lethargic days...). He was amazing back in 2000, but he had to become far more conservative to please the Republicans, ergo, killing the true McCain... (I'm not going to go into Palin...)

*Not sponsored by the USPS