Sorry. I guess I was just really tired. now, here's some pictures of a Cowboy riding a Wooly mammoth.

Here's the Proof to prove it:
Statments: Reasons:
1. Humans lived at the same time as 1. Given
woolly mammoths
2. Types of Indians lived at the same 2. Given
time as woolly mammoths.
3. Cowboys lived at the same time 3. The Sundance Kid
as Indians.
4. Cowboys are human. 4. Given
4. Cowboys are human. 4. Given
5. Cowboys lived at the same time as 5. Substitution Property and
woolly mammoths. deductive reasoning.
If any one can prove otherwise, show me said proof! There's my proof!
This statement is widely beleived to be true. Inductively, anyway. However:
The vast majority of humans can easily be demonstrated to not be cowboys. This statement is false, so
is also false. Therefore using the substitution property is inappropriate and the proof is invalid.
Oh, snap!
First, most humans have the capacity to be cowboys, and
Cowboys and Indians = true
Both parts must be true,
Indians +Woolly mammoths = true
There fore humans = woolly mammoths = true.
Also, I wouldn't put that as a bi conditional...
Because, Cowboy ---> is true, and ~human ----> ~cowboy (contrapositive) is also true, of course the converse (and inverse) of the fist statement are false.
That's doesn't work. You're assumptions are:
that Humans existed at the same time as mammoths,
that Indians existed at the same time as Mammoths
Indians and Cowboys are both human, and Cowboys existed at the same time as Indians
Or in other words,
So given the present existence of Humans, we can conclude nothing. Given the present existence of Mammoths, we can conclude only Humans and Indians. Given the present existence of Indians, we can conclude only Humans. Given the present existence of Cowboys, we can also conclude only Indians. None of these satisfy Cowboys^Indians, therefore the statement is false given your assumptions.
I would also argue that cowboy-->human is false, with my evidence being toy story.
Here is another proof:
1. Cowboys did not exist at the same time as cowboys
Okay now I realize that last proof didn't make sense. Let me elaborate
1. Cowboys existed during the time of the Wild Wild West
2. The Wild Wild West is more myth than fact
3. Therefore cowboys did not exist
1. Given
3. Oh, daaaaaaamn.
but your proof is right there: Its a cowboy riding a mammoth. And obciously, this prooves that there were cameras around at the same time as mammoths, and cowboys were around before cameras, so this makes it especially true.
Space Cowboys Exist, although Fez is not one...
Sci Fi has Time Travel.
Space Cowboys, who are in face cowboys, just not wuite as cool as the original ones (But still really cool) could time travel, go back in time, and RIDE MAMMOTHS!!!
Except mammoths don't exist either, seeing as how we've already proven that cowboys don't exist. The picture with the cowboy and mammoth is therefore fake, therefore mammoths don't exist.
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