Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Various Thoughts and Frolicsomeness

More thoughts, can you see the pattern in the names?

  • It appears as though spambots have found my blog. I'm going to assume that you all like not having the word verification before you comment, I know I do, but spambots are my enemy. So, anyone who wants to comment freely/more easily, comment below, or participate in the poll over the course of the next week.
  • I've begun keeping a dream journal, mostly because I've been having some really weird dreams, and I want to remember them. Here's the gist of one of my dreams from last night: I was sure of an imminent nuclear attack on DC, and was telling my friends, that anyone who wanted to live should hop in my brother's car with me. Then there was something about laser pistols. So, the time came to leave, and no one had shown up. I grabbed my backpack and was ready to hop in the car, but then, nothing happened.
  • Crazy dreams, am I right?
  • So um, I've spent at least 10 hours during the past week or so on . that place is amazing! It's a whole bunch of artists in a close-knit community setting giving their music away for free! If you want to friend me, my username is Red. I found it by following links through Plan-it-x, a lot of artist's websites have free tracks or albums. Then, I found If You Make It, which is similar to Cllct, but more Punk oriented, and has a tab for free albums. You should check them out!
  • I just wrote all of the stuff on music, and didn't realize that that was my post all of 3 days ago... Oh well.
  • I recently got a pack of dinosaurs at Wallgreens. Success! And Red Vines, and a Blue Hot Wheels Vego!
Thanks for reading Today's nonsensicalness!


Mairead said...

I don't want to sound like some sort of freak, but your dream was just an alternate perspective of your feud with your mother. The nuclear attack is how your mom will act if your brother isn't out of the house. Jumping into his car is agreeing with him. Laser Pistols are the IED's.

At least that's how I see it.

Red said...

Huh. I'm going to keep posting my dreams here!


thats a great idea... dream journal...

Nemo said...

Oh man WHAT someone else is clicking random links from the plan-it-X website, I feel less insane now

Anonymous said...

[... ] is one another relavant source of tips on this topic[...]

Red said...

To Mr. Anonymous, that is pretty No-Sequitur... Also GPS Phone tracking scares the crap out of me...