Monday, February 15, 2010

Various Thoughts and a Story?!

Well, in case you were wondering about the story part, that poll that a lot of you filled out, on stories I should write, the results were to close to call. While dinosaurs won, with 3 votes, there were three other topics that got two votes, Spacemen, Musketeers, and Renaissance. Unfortunately for Cowboys and Adventure, they only got one vote each. So, Thanks to all of you participating, and I have 15 followers!! Thanks to all of you guys, even the fictional ones! But, now to some various thoughts!

  • Well, I'm watching the Olympic Snowboardcross events. Snowboardcross? Really? Wikipedia, and Comedic Viewing Guide. I'm going to be making jokes about this for weeks...
  • I remember when it snowed before winter break. I was walking down a street that usually is full of traffic, completely abandoned. I kept walking, and the streets where deserted. Every once in a while I would see a lone figure through the curtains of snow, and they would just stare back. It was definitely what it would be like in a post-apocalyptic scenario...
  • Well, I sent in my order form to Plan-it-x, the Super Sale Pack thingamajig. I hope it arrives soon!
  • I was talking with my friend on that Facebook, and he said "My momma said stupid is as stupid does." Of course, I had to reply with another Forrest Gump Quote, so I said, "MY momma said life is like a box of Chock-lots. You never know what'ch you're gonna get." While at typing this, I was looking at my profile, and saw that one of my friends had posted a response t a question about whether or not I would survive a horror movie. I've had many a conversation with the friend I was talking to on that subject exactly, so I told him to check #2 on my profile, the answer being the 2nd thing there. But, he must have gone to my info, and Forrest Gump was 2nd on my list of favorite movies. It was coincidental, If I do say so myself.
  • I realized, I know a lot of photographers. For instance, Crazydude's father is a photographer, and currently has an exhibit at the Art Center, you should check it out. My uncle works for the Detroit Free Press in the photography department, Nemo is a really good landscape photographer. Yep.
  • Are you down with O.P.P.? Are you?
  • My brother's car is majikal man. So, at 9 pm or so, we hopped in his car, and I was too lazy to put a jacket on before we left the house., so I was wearing just a T shirt and flannel. And pants of course. I was sitting in his car, and we were driving. I was breathing out, and I could clearly see my breath. Not like when you breathe hot air to try to see your breath, but just normally breathing. So, here I was sitting in his car wearing a flannel shirt and seeing my breath, but I wasn't cold. At all. It was so surreal! And now I'm convinced that his car is majikal.
  • Note to the guys: Yesterday was valentine's day, which gives you so many chances for getting girls to like you, or to just be a nice person. To begin with, it's valentine's day, so you don't have to beat around the bush to get to topics of relationships. A lot of people have had relationships end recently, compliments! And, some girls have never gotten a Valentine, so, if you hear this, it's time to man up and make a valentine. As such was my valentine's day. Oh, and I tried to add my middle name on Facebook, but they didn't believe me!
Ok, story time! So, I'm going to be doing 4 stories, because you guys are so darn indecisive! Haha, and I'll save the Dinosaur one for last, as the most people voted for it. I'm thinking about just writing an introduction, and whichever one people like the most I'll continue writing. Any thoughts on that? Comment below! Here's the Renaissance one:

His name was Galileo the Lesser. In 16th century Venice, he was virtually unknown. He was determined to make a name for himself, no matter the consequences.
Taking pride in his latest act of thievery, Galileo calmly walked down the Avenue. HE heard shouts behind him, and turned around to see armor-clad swordsmen running towards him. He turned around and bolted towards the waterway. Galileo leapt off the bridge, right onto a dinghy filled with produce, and nearly capsized it on impact. He knocked the sailor out of the boat and took off, but he guards were still tailing him. He leapt off the boat, and hit the ground, hard. With no time to worry about his injuries, he sprinted across the boulevard, stepped up to the double doors, and calmly walked into the Cathedral...

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