Wednesday, March 30, 2011


     Is it better to fix the past, and right the wrongs, or to move on and change the future? Should I let bygones be bygones, and make sure I don't make those mistakes again, moving forward, and making the future my own? Or should I figure out what exactly happened in the past, but in doing so, lose precious time that I need to change the future? Should I try to reroute the train of time, even though it's already passed the junction, trying to correct my mistakes in the past, and clear my mind? Should I let their weight rest on my mind, and move on? Should I talk and figure out what happened then, or move on, and try to make something happen?
     I suppose it's a question of whether you want to become a product of your environment, or have your environment become a product of you. More so, whether you want to adapt and thrive in your current environment, or have your environment adapt to you. I guess there's two arguments really, accepting the way things are, and not risking ruin yourself trying to change them, or ignoring what's happened, and changing it for the future. Should you have to choose between the two, I can't make the choice for you, but I know what I would do should the situation arise:
     I should accept what happened in the past, and keep that weight with me, but not let it drag me down. I should accept the events of the pat at face value, and realize I acted foolishly, but learn from that, and not make the same mistakes again. I should accept that nothing I can do will rewrite the past, it's already been published, but the future is a blank page, and I hold a pen. I will go forth and reroute the path of time, and steer it towards my destination. When I am tired I shall go along for the ride, but only once I've laid the tracks true. Because my past belongs to memories, and my present belongs to instinct, but my future belongs to me.
     In the words of Jack Nicholson, "I don't want to be a product of my environment, I want my environment to be a product of me."

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