When humans first came around, they lived, 20- 25 years, abo
ut as much as a wolf or a deer, they lived a normal time compared to other animals. But over the course of just 2 million years, we've risen to the most dominant being on earth. And, in around, 500 years, we've extended our lifespan to tremendous amounts. The oldest person ever was 122. 122! A lot of trees don't live to be 122! Humans have also carried animals along for the ride with them, and while most animals associated with humans are exploited for food our labor, some, like dogs, are just there for the point of being there, if you think about it, it's ridiculous, but humanity does it. The main thing we have is the ability to invent. We're no longer just existing in our environment, we actively go out and change our environment to suit our needs, and while it may not always be good, it just goes to show how far we've come. As well as changing our environments, we also can move freely between environments. There's humans on every corner of the globe, the only other animals that have that ability are dogs, and it's partially thanks to us. And while humanity's inventions may not always be good, and our bodies are still fragile, in the aspect of physical breaking, we've extended our original lifespans by 60+ years, have effectively wiped out an entire virus, an have taken over the world. Call it what you want, but I think that that's evidence enough to show that nature is distinctly not, beating us.